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Most of our museum volunteers love a cup of tea, especially if it is served in some fancy china cups in alovely setting like Lynde House.

Last Saturday, June 23rd, a few of us sat around the table in the Dining Room sipping tea and munching on some light 'tea bread' and treats. One of our newest high school volunteers, Troy Bello, 'poured tea' as the ladies waited their turn at a special tea leaf reading given by Julie Ditta at

Thank you Mary Prettie-Elliott for organizing the event with Julie Ditta and guests, Halima Bacchus, Dianne Carson, Marilyn Curtis, and Beth Lariviere. Also in attendance, for part of the tea, Monica Effenberger, Troy Bello and Trina Astor-Stewart.

During the conversation one of the ladies mentioned that 'since Troy had poured the tea, he was the most important person at the table', it was explained that in years,  in the not too distant past, at any occasion such as this, a visit, a reception etc. etc. it was always written up in the local newspaper and of particular mention was who poured the tea! This started a whole new banter and I for one can attest that there is something special about sitting around the table in the Lynde House Dining Room at any time!

Canadian Statesman newspaper articleJust in case you have not heard of this practice before here is an excerpt from the, Thursday, June 23rd, 1953 in THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO on page fifteen one of the articles reads, " Parsonage Tea At Newtonville Delightful Occasion." The article proceeds to say, "Thursday afternoon and evening last week a Parsonage Tea and reception of unique interest was held at Newtonville." The article goes on to describe the event where, "Rev. and Mrs. Pike were gracioiusly received at the parsonage enjoying the Christian kindliness and cheerful hospitality of the pastor and his wife at their home." And that, '...words of welcome were accorded to each and all' among the 'beauty of the lawns... with huge bouquets of peonies and helitrop"..

Now the subject of TEA POURING as bantered about last Saturday... it is further recorded in the article that, "During the afternoon Mrs. Lorne Todd, Shiloh, and Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Newtonville, poured tea", followed at the end of the article by, "-a happy event to add to memory's treasures."


Linda Calder Pouring TeaNow as I have mentioned, we love to put on a victorian tea from time to time at the museum and we have several ladies who are expert at just how this is done... Tea Time means many things to people from varied cultures and is a tradition not to be forgotten.

Pictured on the left is Monica Lawlor, vice president, holding out her tea cup as Linda Calder pours the tea.

If you would like to learn more about how to put on a victorian tea at your home you can get some tips from one of our board members, Linda Calder, a retired teacher and writer of the Boomer Corner for the Local Biz Magazine. Click on the following link to see the article in Biz Magazine.

"The origins of Victorian Tea, and how to enjoy the tradition today"by: Linda Calder


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