Tuesday August 20th

Lynde House Museum Camp offers a living history experience combined with a fun-filled day camp. Campers aged 6 to 11 will explore what it was like to live in the 1800s, discovering and creating through hands-on activities and games, learning new skills, and going on adventures both inside and outside the Museum. Campers will enjoy arts, crafts, drama and music-making, as well as plenty of outdoor activities in our park and garden. Our camp staff encourages campers to play and socialize while gaining confidence in themselves and making new friends.


Please be sure to read the Museum Camp Handbook completely before registering. It contains everything you need to know to enjoy a fun and safe camp experience at Lynde House Museum.





Camp will take place at the Lynde House Museum and surrounding park at 900 Brock Street South, Whitby, Ontario L1N 4L6.
Our office and welcome centre is located in the Warren General Store, the brick building beside the Lynde House.


Drop-off is at 9:00am. Please ensure you are on time. Camp staff will be waiting to greet your child(ren) at the Warren General Store, the brick building beside the Museum, at the corner of Brock and Burns. Please wait to sign in when you arrive. Campers are not allowed to sign themselves in.

If you arrive late, past 9:00am, please visit the Warren General Store for directions.

There is a public parking lot behind the Museum, with two entrances off Burns Street. Please drive slowly through our parking lot and be cautious of small children who may be walking around you.


Pick-up is at 4:00pm. Please ensure you are on time. Camp staff will have campers ready for pick-up in front of Warren General Store in good weather, and inside if it is raining. Please sign out before leaving. Campers are not allowed to sign themselves out.


Campers will only be released to a designated parent, guardian, or another authorized adult specified on your registration. All authorized pick-up persons may be required to show valid photo ID without exception. This is for the safety of our campers. 


If your child is ill, arriving late or will not be attending for any reason, please be sure to call before the drop-off time and talk to a camp staff member, or leave a message including the child’s full name.


If you are running late, please be sure to call before 4:00pm to notify staff. A late fee of $25 per half-hour will be charged for all campers who are picked up more than 10 minutes after the 4:00pm pick-up time.


Lost and Found is located in the Warren General Store. Please ensure that your child has their water bottle, lunch bag/box, and extra clothing at the end of the day. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or missing items, and we strongly recommend your child not bring valuables – cell phones, money, electronics, special jewellery, beloved toys, etc. – to camp. Any items left behind will be held for one week, then donated to a local charity.


A PEANUT-FREE & LITTERLESS LUNCH – As we are a public facility, we cannot guarantee a completely nut-free camp, but we make every effort to provide the safest possible environment for all of our campers. Please assist us by ensuring your child’s lunch is entirely peanut-free and that campers understand not to share food with others. NOTE: there are no refrigerators or microwaves available for campers.

SUNSCREEN – Sunscreen should be applied in the morning. Campers must bring bottle of sunscreen for personal use. We will not provide sunscreen for campers, and camp staff cannot physically assist in application of sunscreen.
WATER – Please bring water in a refillable bottle clearly labeled with the camper’s name.
EXTRA CLOTHES – Please provide a change of clothes that can get dirty during outdoor games or art activities. A spare pair of underwear is also recommended.
CLOSED-TOE SHOES – No crocs, slides or flip-flops!
BATHING SUIT & TOWEL – Please provide appropriate clothing and a towel for outdoor water activities.


Medical information questions are required to be completed during registration, to assist your child in the case of an emergency. Please be as detailed as possible. Any medical information received will be strictly confidential. Camp staff will be provided with pertinent information to provide the greatest level of care and security for campers. Parents/guardians may be contacted by camp staff if clarification is needed to meet a camper’s needs. If your child’s medical information changes before the start of camp, please contact us with an update.


If your child shows signs of illness or becomes sick at camp, we will do everything we can to attend to them. If your child shows symptoms of Covid-19, develops a fever or rash, has vomited, or has diarrhea, you will be contacted to pick up your camper immediately. DO NOT send children to camp if they are exhibiting symptoms of of being sick, or have a communicable illness. Campers suspected to have any contagious illness will be asked to be picked up immediately. To prevent spreading viruses, hand washing/sanitising will be mandatory for everyone before and after recreation, programs and lunchtime. While at camp, campers should be well enough to participate in all regular camp programming.


Any medication to be taken while at camp must be indicated on your Medical Information Form, and will be stored in the office (except for Epi-Pens and inhalers). Campers must be able to administer medication to themselves under staff supervision. Camp staff WILL NOT administer any medication to campers. Please hand over any required medications at check-in, to be stored in the office.


If your child is required to carry an EpiPen or inhaler, you must indicate this on the Medical Information Form completed during registration. Epi-Pens and inhalers are required to be carried on the camper’s body at all times. In the event of an allergic reaction, standard emergency procedures will apply, and 911 will be contacted. Campers who arrive without their Epi-Pen or inhaler will not be allowed to participate in camp activities until their parent/guardian can drop-off their device.


Registration fees are NOT refundable. Please ensure you read and agree to all rules and policies before completing your registration.


We are not responsible for loss or damage to phones, electronic devices or any other valuables brought to camp. Use of phones or other electronics is NOT permitted during the day. If campers are found using devices, they will be instructed to put them away. Campers carrying phones for use after camp will be required to keep them turned off, and stored in their bag/backpack during the program day. Campers will only be allowed to use these items to contact parents/guardians during the day with staff permission. If you need to relay an important message to your child, please call the office at 905-665-3131.


The use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other non-prescription drugs by parents/guardians is prohibited in the camp environment, and will result in  removal from camp without refund.


The staff and volunteers of Lynde House Museum are committed to creating a safe, encouraging, and fun experience for everyone. Our goal is to create a caring camp community that respects the rights, needs, and interests of all its members. The staff and volunteers aim to treat all campers in a way that encourages inclusivity and self-expression. Should conflicts arise, we will address them at the time of the incident. Should the need arise, parents/guardians will be contacted.

The following CODE OF CONDUCT is expected of all members of our camp community – campers, counsellors, and parents/guardians alike.

All Lynde House Museum Camp community members shall:

Show respect for the rights, safety and property of Camp Staff, volunteers, museum guests, fellow campers, others and themselves at all times.

Show respect for the Lynde House Museum and the Warren General Store, inside and outside, with a high standard of care and mindfulness.

All Campers shall:

Refrain from touching anything in the Lynde House Museum and the Warren General Store without permission.

Refrain from running and/or shouting inside the Lynde House Museum and the Warren General Store.

Follow directions and instructions from Camp Staff at all times.

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct by campers or parents/guardians can result in removal from Lynde House Museum Camp without refund.


I understand that there is an inherent risk in physical activity, and will assume such risk for the child or children whose names are registered for the Lynde House Museum Camp provided by the Whitby Historical Society. Being fully aware of this risk, I hereby give consent for my child or children whose names are registered to participate in this Camp. By attending the designated facilities, I hereby agree along with my next of kin, heirs and executors not to sue and to waive, release and forever hold harmless the Whitby Historical Society, all staff, all volunteers and persons involved and property owners for any claims, demands and actions or causes of action, regardless of who makes them, on account of any and all injury or loss or damage or accident which may occur from any and all causes, now or in the future, either for myself, for my children, any accompanying people and for any accompanying children in my care not directly involved with the Lynde House Museum Camp. I am aware that by agreeing to this document, I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue, which I or my next of kin, heirs, or executors may have against the Whitby Historical Society, all staff, all volunteers and all persons involved with the camp facility.